A problem solver, packaging designer, brand strategist and CPG specialist.
Evy Tea - Home.png

Evy Tea

An organic, sugar-free, cold brew tea company that prioritizes ancient artisanship and sustainability.

Elevated Tea Time!

Elevated Tea Time!

Moving from glass bottles to aluminum cans required adjustments to overall design to ensure a seamless transition. The goal of the updated design was to balance FDA compliance with brand personality.

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Tea Tin to Tea Box

Tea Tin to Tea Box

Creating 8 count boxes to visually showcase each flavor on shelf and call attention to the premium feel of the ready to drink tea.

EvyTea - BlackTea_Box - Picture.png
Concentrate (beta)

Concentrate (beta)

The tea concentrate was designed with the goal of selling directly to restaurants and direct to consumers. Although restaurants would receive a generic designed product, the beverage dispenser was intended to sit in consumers’ refrigerators providing easy-of-use and bold flavors from the comforts of one's home.